Strategic internal communication drives understanding, engagement, and productivity and is enormously valuable to any organisation.

Employees are vital ambassadors for your brand, but disengaged employees have a negative impact on everything from customer service to productivity.

Building on a deep understanding of how culture and communications drive employee engagement, we’ve worked with some of the country’s best-known brands to create high performing, highly-engaged, workplaces through times of significant change. We help you to understand what makes your employees tick, what derails them, and to create strategies to drive employee engagement when you need it most.

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“Blakeney has been exceptional in supporting LIVE throughout the course of the Covid pandemic. Their strategic advice, depth of knowledge, and expertise have been critical in ensuring our industry is on the political agenda and helping deliver our highly successful #LetTheMusicPlay and the #KeepVATat5 campaigns. They have helped us secure unprecedented Government support for our industry at the most critical of times.”

Greg Parmley - Former CEO, LIVE (Live music Industry Venues and Entertainment)