Public Affairs

We help our clients use public affairs to solve some of the biggest problems facing society today. From the race to decarbonise, to meeting future infrastructure needs, to understanding how technologies of the future interact with and enhance people’s everyday lives, our team is advising where it matters most.


In an increasingly politicised business world, the relationship between politics and the private sector has never been so important. Our people have experience of working at the highest levels of government and politics across the UK and Europe. They understand that the decisions made by policymakers and regulators can have a profound impact on your business, whether you’re dealing with new or established legislation.

We also understand that political will is driven by public sentiment. All our public affairs work starts on that basis. We challenge ourselves to deliver creative solutions and ambitious, integrated campaigns that can resonate with, align with, inspire and involve your different stakeholders and audiences.

We firmly believe that policymakers should not be lobbyists, so we don’t hire anybody into the business in any capacity who still has a policymaking role. We are members of the Public Relations and Communications Association in the UK (PRCA). 

Learn more about some of our sectors