Media Relations

Blakeney offers an exceptional network of media contacts and a deep understanding of the national and international media landscape.


Good PR cuts through the noise to get a journalist’s attention at the right time, and to reach the right audience.

Great PR is strategic: we craft media strategies and messaging that support your long-term objectives, building relationships with the influential journalists and outlets that are most important to you.

Good pitching is an art, and with just seconds to grab a journalist’s attention, the way a pitch is crafted and delivered is critical. Handling reactive media is equally important and can make the difference between your name being the focus of a story, or not being mentioned at all.

And our experienced former journalists deliver bespoke media training. Whether you’re an long-time CEO or a communications lead new in post, our sessions are designed to help you deal with the most challenging interviews and land your messages with clarity.

Learn more about some of our sectors