LOOP is a world-first decarbonisation device that can rapidly extract carbon from methane – the gas commonly used to power both domestic and industrial processes.

Following an impressive funding round, LOOP’s inventors – British climate tech firm Levidian – needed to re-launch powerfully into the market, starting with the creation of a brand for LOOP, as well as PR and Public Affairs support. To support Levidian in achieving these goals, we’ve raised the company’s profile with the media, political stakeholders, and key business target audiences, such as prospective buyers and partners.

In a sea of climate-tech innovation and a nascent market for several of LOOP’s key products, we focused Levidian’s communication on being a simple solution for the emitters with the biggest challenges – heavy industry.

We rebranded LOOP, creating a new way to talk about the device and explain its benefits.

As Levidian has grown, we’ve driven coverage of critical business announcements, including their partnership with National Grid and their £700m deal with Zero Carbon Ventures to deploy more than 500 LOOP devices to the UAE over the next decade. These announcements received coverage in national and international media outlets, including The Daily Telegraph and The Economist. The announcement also received a ringing endorsement from former Trade Minister Penny Mordaunt MP in the Daily Express, cementing Levidian as a poster-child for UK green-tech exporting. Levidian have also been mentioned in nearly 100 pieces of trade coverage in less than a year.

In addition, The Department for International Trade (DIT) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) have promoted Levidian on their LinkedIn pages – driving a 64% increase in followers on the Levidian LinkedIn page.

Most recently, Levidian was featured on Sky News’ Daily Climate Show, which is broadcast live on TV and online. Host and environmental expert Tom Heap travelled to Cambridge to sit down for an interview with CEO John Hartley and to learn more about the science behind LOOP.

As Levidian expands and prepares to announce further exciting customer agreements and partnerships this year and beyond, we look forward to continuing to support Levidian in their mission to build on a decarbonised world, built on graphene and powered by hydrogen.

Elevating credible voices as the world races to Net Zero.

Establishing MiQ as the dominant voice on methane abatement in the oil and gas industry

Accelerating Levidian’s decarbonisation mission

Building a Sustainable Future for Live Entertainment

Supporting live music’s COVID recovery

Ending Malaria

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“Blakeney brings a level of strategy and rigour that is rare in corporate communications. Their advice, and their ability to cut through the noise to get to the heart of an issue, is second to none.”

Jessica Koravos, President, The Really Useful Group